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Below are a variety of resources to support exploring mindfulness and SEL for educators and families: curriculums, apps, programs, books, trainings, and more. We do not do an extensive review of the listings and do not specifically endorse them. We provide them as a starting point for individual research by educators, leaders, schools/organizations, and participants within our MBSEL Micro-Credential Program


Do you have a valuable resource that may align with our collection? Email to learn more. 


COSEM's Statement on Secularity: 

As a professional body for supporting mindfulness in education, we want to share that it is essential to maintain secularity in schools, especially public schools. Please note that different practices are accessible in different environments so we offer a variety of learning opportunities that may or may not be in alignment with your school. The types of practices that are acceptable in different regions vary; know your policy, setting, and community to what would be accessible and acceptable. As you view our resources, determine what connects with your specific setting. Additionally, we offer learning specific to adult wellness which explores many different avenues for wellness that may or may not be practices that are shared within a school setting. To learn more about the secular guidelines and legal aspects for sharing mindfulness and/or yoga within schools, please explore the resources below: 


Educating Mindfully: Stories of School Transformation Through Mindfulness

  • Chapter 11: Guiding Questions for Inclusive Mindfulness and Yoga in Schools 

Secularity: Guiding Questions for Inclusive Yoga in Schools

Guidelines for Secular Teaching of Mindfulness 

The Secular Qualities of Mindfulness


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Multi-Category Resources
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MoveMindfully is a Level 1 Sponsor of COSEM.  Move Mindfully is a training and consulting company based on the science and practice of mindfulness, movement, and social-emotional learning. The complex demands of life today have created increased levels of pressure, overwhelm, and disconnection. As a result, youth and adults have an urgent need for more physical, mental and emotional support to thrive. Organizations lack accessible tools and resources to address these growing needs. Working at the system level is what’s needed in order to create sustainable change.

 MoveMindfully collaborates with educational and therapeutic organizations to implement trauma responsive mind body practices that create cultures of physical, mental and emotional well-being.

Move Mindfully® uses breathing, mindfulness and regulating movement including elements from the Yoga Calm® Curriculum. Learn about our programs, trainings, services, cards decks and more HERE.


Founded in 2007, Mindful Schools is one of the key players in the movement to integrate mindfulness into the everyday learning environment of K-12 classrooms. The non-profit organization has trained over 25,000 educators, parents, and mental health professionals who work with youth. These graduates, spanning 100+ countries, have reached over 2 million children worldwide. Their courses and curricula offer educators practical skills for self-care, facilitation, and connecting with youth. You can learn more about how mindfulness practices can be integrated into the school day and adapted for diverse environments at

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LFY has worked since 2006 to support children and teens in the development of strong inner resources. Our goal is to help kids thrive in the world regardless of circumstances, and navigate the challenges they face with personal power and self-awareness. We share practices that give children full access to the resources of their body, breath and mindset, within the context of compassionate, respectful relationships. Direct service programming is available for students, educators, parents and allied professionals in the greater NYC area. Certification and CE offered worldwide. For-credit online courses, webinars, and educator resources available at


Still Quiet Place offers comprehensive in-person and online training for teachers, therapists, and allied professionals interested in sharing mindfulness with children and adolescents, as well as specialized in-person and online training for athletes and coaches. Amy Saltzman, MD has also authored three books: 

A Still Quiet Place for Athletes: Mindfulness Skills for Achieving Peak Performance and Finding Flow in Sports and in Life,

A Still Quiet Place for Teens: A Mindfulness Workbook to Ease Stress and Difficult Emotions,

A Still Quiet Place: A Mindfulness Program for Teaching Children and Adolescents to Ease Stress and Difficult Emotions,

and two CDS: Still Quiet Place: Mindfulness for Young Children and Still Quiet Place: Mindfulness for Teens.


Social, Emotional, and Ethical (SEE) Learning is an innovative K-12 education program developed by Emory University. SEE Learning™ provides educators for free with the tools they need to foster the development of emotional, social, and ethical intelligence for students and themselves.

SEE Learning™ represents the state of the art in education by enhancing SEL programming with key additional components, including:

  • attention training

  • compassion and ethical discernment

  • systems thinking

  • resilience and trauma-informed practice

This program provides educators with a developmentally-staged curriculum consisting of easy-to-implement lessons, the conceptual framework used to design the curriculum, and resources for educator preparation and development. SEE Learning empowers students to engage ethically as part of a global community and provides educators with the tools to support student well-being.

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Inner Strength Foundation was founded in 2014 to bring mindful awareness and systems thinking to teens. Thousands of teens have completed this 12-week training, gaining essential understanding and resources to navigate an increasingly complex world. A CASEL approved SEL-related approach, it emphasizes the cultivation of calm, curiosity, and care empowering youth with inner strength and outer stability. Inner Strength also offers teacher training and staff self-care programs. Founder Amy Edelstein is the author of the award-winning The Conscious Classroom and the Inner Strength Teachers’ Manual.  In 2021, they launched a mobile app for teens called Inner Strength2.


The Mindfulness in Education Network was created by students of Thich Nhat Hanh, and has  created an annual conference for 11 years, featuring leaders in the field of mindfulness and education. They also have a large MiEN listserv to sign up for to learn more about the latest mindfulness research, resources, and conferences.


Stressed Teens has been a past sponsor of COSEM. Gina M. Biegel, LMFT, is a psychotherapist, researcher, speaker, and author who specializes in mindfulness-based work with adolescents. She is founder of Stressed Teens, which has been offering mindfulness-based stress reduction for teens (MBSR-T) to adolescents, families, schools, professionals, and the community for over a decade, including a variety of online courses.  She also created a video-based All-School Program. She is the author of Be Mindful & Stress Less: 50 Ways to Deal with Your (Crazy) LifeThe Stress Reduction Workbook for Teens (first and second edition), the Be Mindful Card Deck for Teens ,  Mindfulness for Student Athletes: A Workbook to Help Teens Reduce Stress and Enhance Performance. and Take in the Good: Skills for Staying Positive and Living Your Best Life. She also has a mindfulness practice audio CD, Mindfulness for Teens Practices to Reduce Stress and Enhance Well-Being.

Pure Edge offers a set of strategies that guide educators and students achieve success through focus based upon Five Principles of Health and Wellness: Body, Breath, Mind, Attention, and Engagement.

It is a CASEL 'Complementary Program.' They offer a variety of easily accessible, open educational resources (OER) and curricula, as well as professional development options that include self-care of staff, daily classroom integration of brain breaks, health and wellness curriculum, and other resources that promote social, emotional, and academic development. 

Pure Edge, Inc. Pure Power Curriculum and Start With the Heart SEL Curriculum are available for free to any non-profit entity that strives to improve the lives of students by teaching strategies to achieve success through focus. They also provide free trainings at school districts around the country.


Mindfulness Without Borders is a leading provider of evidence-based educational programs on secular mindfulness and social-emotional intelligence to youth, educators, health and corporate professionals in 15 communities around the world. Fundamental to curriculum design is the integration of core SEL competencies and focused-attention practices which strengthen the soft skills individuals need to navigate life’s challenges and thrive in their personal and professional environments.


Niroga Institute is a 14-year-old non-profit that develops the whole child and the whole educator through Dynamic Mindfulness. Our trauma-informed curriculum has been validated by independent researchers, and has been widely field-tested in K-12 schools, special ed and alt ed. DMind systematically develops stress resilience, self-awareness, emotion regulation and healthy relationships, keys for academic excellence and emotional intelligence in students, and prevention of burnout and compassion-fatigue in educators. We envision a mindful generation for a more connected world.

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Mindful Life Project's three-pronged mindfulness training program (Mindful Educator Fellowship, Mindful Leadership Training, and Mindful Curriculum Training), focuses on new teachers and teachers in the most underserved communities. They do trainings throughout the US and direct service programming in the Bay Area. They focus on supporting TK-8th grade schools to transform the educational ecosystem, so our partner schools prioritize the whole child and the adults who work with students every day. We strive to collaborate with schools, create significant space for students and educators, and cultivate mindfulness and compassion daily.


The Peace of Mind Program equips children with the skills to notice and manage their emotions, understand how their brains work, practice kindness and gratitude, solve conflicts peacefully, and work for social justice.  Evidence-based and educator-developed, the Peace of Mind Program is used in classrooms nationwide and includes: Curriculum for PreK-8.  32 weekly lessons per grade level that integrate mindfulness, social and emotional learning, conflict resolution and social justice, plus a free 17-lesson Social Justice Lesson Supplement for Grades 3-5;

Classroom Resources:  Storybooks, Posters, Anchor Charts and Games

Free video library including mindfulness practices to share with your students Online training classes including “Introduction to Mindfulness and Social and Emotional Learning”, “Getting Started with the Peace of Mind Curriculum”, and “Budding Brains: teaching neuroscience to support conflict resolution.”

For more information, please contact Peace of Mind Executive Director Cheryl Dodwell at    Peace of Mind is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization based in Washington DC.

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The Center for Educational Improvement promotes mindfulness, yoga, meditation, and compassionate school practices as part of our signature Heart Centered Learning.® Our Compassionate School Leadership Academy is a joint project with Yale University’s Program for Recovery and Community Health, funded by the U.S. Department of Education(Award #: S423A220092). We also offer conduct research and provide technical assistance and resources, including books on mindfulness, and the HeartMind eNews, a monthly newsletter addressing trauma, anxiety, stress, and promising educational practices

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ChildLight Yoga / Yoga 4 Classrooms’ mission is to empower youth with the tools they need to be healthy, happy and resilient at school, at home and throughout their lives. We provide evidence and trauma-informed professional development trainings, curricula, resources and consulting to individuals, schools and organizations who support the social, emotional, cognitive and physical wellbeing of children, youth and families. Our sustainable programs are successfully implemented in thousands of schools and communities worldwide.

The MindUP™ is a science-centric and evidence-based mindfulness curriculum for PreK-8th grade students. It is a CASEL 'SELect Program.' The curriculum is dedicated to helping students and educators in the fields of positive psychology, mindful awareness, social and emotional learning, and neuroscience.  


Yoga Calm provides opportunities for movement in a way that can be easily implemented in the classroom and even integrated with academic curricula. A pioneer in children’s yoga, Yoga Calm came to life in the behavior classroom of a high poverty school in rural Oregon twenty years ago, where counselor Lynea Gillen observed how hard it was for students to simply sit in a group together and share. She felt they needed opportunities to manage and direct their strong feelings and impulses.


Since 2001, The Holistic Life Foundation (HLF) has provided yoga and mindfulness education for underserved residents in the Baltimore community and beyond. Through a comprehensive approach which helps children develop their inner lives through yoga, mindfulness, and self-care, HLF demonstrates deep commitment to learning, community, and stewardship of the environment. HLF has facilitated adult programs in many different settings, including drug treatment centers, mental illness facilities, colleges, senior centers, schools and wellness centers across the nation. HLF is also committed to developing high-quality evidence-based programs and curriculum to improve community well-being.

HLF created Bridging Academics and the Mind (BAM), an evidence based and trauma informed empathetic mindful curriculum for schools and for the home. BAM is a program that combines yoga, mindfulness meditation and self-care practices.

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Mindfulness in Schools Project (MiSP) is a UK not-for-profit charity for young people and schools. Our materials are based on rigorous research in clinical psychology and neuroscience, written by teachers for teachers, and used successfully in a wide range of educational contexts. We have built a network of thousands of trained teachers in the UK and beyond. We work closely with leading experts and academics, including on the University of Oxford’s MYRIAD study, and are proud to be backed by the National Association of Head Teachers. In addition to schools, our curricula have been used successfully in a wide range of other educational contexts too – from youth clubs and sports clubs, to Pupil Referral Units and young offender institutes.

Mindful Practices utilizes Mindfulness, Yoga and Social-Emotional Learning strategies to create equitable learning environments. For Student Services: During the school day and out-of-school time programming from Mindful Practices helps students learn to cultivate awareness of self and others so that they are better able to regulate their behavior and positively contribute to their classroom community.

Educator Services: Mindful Practices provides in-class coaching and modeling for districts across the country to empower educators with Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) strategies to embed into their instruction. Classroom Catalyst: Mindful Practices offers an online tool for students and teachers to self-assess their readiness for instruction. Each participant receives suggested activities to regulate energy and increase preparedness.


Mission Be helps children regulate their emotions. We bring mindfulness-based social emotional learning programs to schools as an antidote to stress, violence, bullying, and addiction and thereby increase the number of thriving, happy and peaceful children in the world.  Mission Be’s two programs are 1) 8 Week In-Class Mindfulness Program for K-12 students and 2) 18-hour weekend Mindful Educator Trainings for teachers and educators


“Love causes learning.” That is the philosophy statement behind the SEL Initiative at Erikson Institute. We conduct professional development with teachers and school staff, direct service with children and parents, and research to help schools become more compassionate AND productive places, from top to bottom. We specialize in using whole-child development principles, brain science, and culturally- and trauma-informed lenses to infuse SEL strategies as a natural part of the school day rather than an “add-on.” We provide customized training as well as partnering around program elements we have designed such as the Calm Spot app, Mindful Behavior Guidance, and Calm Community Curriculum. 


The Rethink Kit is an online resource for educators to get teens talking about who they are and how they interact with the world. Developed by Mindfulness Without Borders, these SEL and mindfulness-based activities pose questions that encourage young people to rethink self-limiting beliefs, challenge assumptions, appreciate different perspectives, breakdown biases, and cultivate a more compassionate understanding of their world.

Curriculums, Programs, and Apps

Inner Explorer program is a series of daily 5-10-minute audio-guided mindfulness practices. It is a CASEL 'SEL-Related Approach.'  The program focuses on key areas of development, bringing mindfulness to education and helping students prepare for learning. Daily practice teaches kids the practical techniques to appropriately handle negative emotions such as stress, anxiety, anger and more. Inner Explorer offers 90 age-appropriate (PreK, Elementary, Middle, and High School) mindfulness practices

following MSBR progressions. Teachers 'press play' and practice right alongside students. No training or prep work required. 

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In this full curriculum training you will learn the many benefits of mindfulness in education and the most effective ways of teaching it. Gain the competence to integrate mindfulness and social and emotional learning lessons into daily work with youth.  Gain expertise from videos, webinars, and worksheets from leaders in the mindfulness and SEL fields. Learn fun and easy ways to introduce students to mindfulness. Founder, lead faculty, and course curator is Daniel Rechtschaffen. He is a Marriage and Family Therapist and the author of The Way of Mindful Education and The Mindful Education Workbook

Teaching Transformative Life Skills to Students: A Comprehensive Dynamic Mindfulness Curriculum This CASEL-approved Curriculum is a multimedia guide for teaching your students how to manage stress and pay attention. As you lead your students in simple mindful movement, coordinated with breathing techniques and centering practices, you will see a positive impact on student engagement and behavior, as well as classroom culture and climate in moments. “Bravo to the brilliant pioneers who have courageously created such an important contribution to the field of education!” – Daniel Siegel, MD, acclaimed author and renowned neuropsychiatrist.

DeStress Monday at School is a stress reduction program designed especially for teachers by Johns Hopkins University and The Monday Campaigns. The goal is to help teachers start the week in a positive frame of mind and manage stress throughout the week. Each Monday, teachers receive an email with new stress reduction practices and complementary exercises that can be used in the classroom. 

LG and Discovery Education have set out to equip youth with the skills necessary to reduce stress and create Sustainable Happiness in their lives. As part of the LG Experience Happiness platform, the 26-minute 'Discover Your Happy' Virtual Field Trip provides science-based tools for educators, students and parents to show how happiness can be achieved through learnable skills and practices.

Calm Classroom is a simple and accessible way to integrate mindfulness into the classroom culture. The daily practice of breathing, stretching, focusing and relaxation exercises cultivates a greater sense of self-awareness, mental focus and emotional resilience within educational spaces.


At Generation Mindful, our passion is raising an emotionally healthy world. We make tools and toys that nurture emotional intelligence via play and positive discipline. Join GENM parents, educators and therapists from 66 countries and growing as together we’re making connection a habit in homes and schools.


The code COSEM10 provides a 10% saving for all members AND the schools, families and people they serve.  Plus for every 10% saved, 10% is given to the ongoing support of COSEM.


GiveThx is a digital thank you note and reflection tool schools use to build healthy culture.

Gratitude is a simple and contagious way for students and staff to recognize and reinforce positive behaviors, relationships, and self-esteem. Digital thank-yous are specific, personal, and safe. The approach is easy to integrate into classes, advisories, and daily routines. A research-based curriculum supports an implementation that compliments existing school culture work. The program nurtures meaningful, equitable connections that create an inclusive culture of belonging and wellbeing for all. GiveThx is a nonprofit based in Oakland, California.


Laura Bean is excited to combine mindfulness and creative writing to promote healthy, productive educational and work environments. She has practiced mindfulness for three decades and is passionate about sharing this extraordinary tool with others. A published author with an MFA in Creative Writing, Laura has taught writing workshops in New York City public schools, as well as in Tucson, Arizona, and in Okinawa and Kyoto, Japan. She has an English teaching credential with a Bilingual Authorization Certificate in Spanish and twenty years of classroom experience. In 2018, she completed Mindful School’s Mindful Educator Year-long Program.

The Mindful Literacy curriculum combines the best of social-emotional learning, promoting self-reflection and a healthy classroom community, with reading and writing. 

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WholeSchool Mindfulness: 

The mission of WholeSchool Mindfulness (WholeSchool) is to make the transformative power of mindfulness a reality for school communities by facilitating the comprehensive and nuanced integration of mindfulness into schools —thereby enhancing the well-being of students and strengthening our society. WholeSchool seeks to engage in the co-creation of a new type of school model, one that is grounded in the power of affirming, culturally responsive, and trauma-informed mindfulness. Through the selection and matching of a Partner School with a highly qualified Mindfulness Director, who works with students, teachers, and families, the WholeSchool model touches every aspect of a school community. In addition to hiring and supporting a Mindfulness Director with coaching and professional development, WholeSchool partners closely with each school community by providing seed funding, ongoing implementation support, and evaluation assistance to support the school to sustain the Mindfulness Director position for years to come. Learn more and express your interest in becoming a Mindfulness Director or Partner School.

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A mobile app designed specifically for teachers, JabuMind connects the scientifically proven iRest® Method with a personal coach to address your self-care. At your fingertips throughout the day, we support you in your own social and emotional growth so that you, in turn, can help your students and school communities. Developed by an award-winning author and illustrator of children’s books used around the world as part of SEL Curricula, JabuMind is dedicated to creating a safer, stronger, and more supportive classroom experience for both teachers and students. Teachers, we are here for you. We see you. We hear you.

Learning to BREATHE (L2B) is a sequenced mindfulness program that can be used to introduce adolescents to mindfulness and its practice. It is a CASEL 'SEL-Related Approach.' L2B is appropriate for many settings (e.g. schools, universities, clinical settings, after-school programs, residential facilities, etc.).  Each lesson includes age-appropriate discussion, activities, and opportunities to practice mindfulness in a group setting. L2B has been researched in many setting and used with adolescents and adults.

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Inward Bound Mindfulness Education (iBme) is a nonprofit that offers in-depth mindfulness programming for youth and the parents and professionals who support them. Our programming guides teens and young adults in developing self-awareness, compassion, and ethical decision making, and empowers them to apply these skills in improving their lives and communities. The iBme retreat model is unique in that it allows participants to gain a level of insight into their own experience and authentic connection with peers that is rare in everyday life.


Stressed Teens' All-School Program uses Gina Biegel's book Take in the Good: Skills for Staying Positive and Living Your Best Life as its foundation, lays out a roadmap to the skills and tools necessary for well-being and living your best life, and focuses on mindfulness as your survival gear and ‘taking in the good’ as your compass.


It is designed to be used as an all-school mindfulness-centered video-based SEL curriculum for teens, educators and parents to learn together. It can be used in numerous ways-from high school homeroom classes, to middle school PE classes, to youth groups and families and clinical use.


It contains 32 lessons each with a 20-minute video of the lesson's topic, a 5-10 minute mindfulness audio practice, and a reflection assignment using pages from the book. It also included 16 mindful movement video lessons.


 Empowering Education provides a comprehensive online mindfulness-based social & emotional learning curriculum, Empowering Minds. Empowering Minds is one of the only curricula available that comprehensively blends the best of mindfulness, cognitive behavioral theory, neuroscience, restorative approaches, and cultural responsiveness in one teacher-friendly program. 

Empowering Minds is fully aligned with CASEL best practices and includes resources for all aspects of implementation, including explicit skills instruction, academic integration, teacher instructional practices, school culture & policy, and school-family partnerships. Empowering Education also provides professional development and implementation support. 

Sign up for a free trial here to get access to the first 5 lessons.​

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UC Santa Barbara’s Center for Mindfulness and Human Potential aims to ensure that every high school student— regardless of location or resources—has access to evidence-based mindfulness training that empowers them to be better stewards of their own minds. With the support of the U.S. Dept. of Education, they have built a digital mindfulness course that is free for high school students and teachers. This 22-day interactive course is tailored to teenagers and personalized to each student. An interdisciplinary team of experts at UC Santa Barbara is constantly improving the course through rigorous research with school partners around the country.

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Effectively engage children of all abilities with the Movement & Mindfulness Bundle or Curriculum.

Enhance resiliency, executive function, focus, self-control, and emotional stability through our award winning integration of yoga stories, movement, music, cooperative play, mindfulness, and self-regulation techniques.  Developed with young children and aligned with early learning/ common core standards, all lessons, flash cards, stories, games and activities help kids slow down, grow self-awareness, enjoy brain building movement, and develop the ability to both self-care and self-regulate.  Join us for our next Movement & Mindfulness Curriculum Certification

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Live Free Yoga provides comprehensive and integrative yoga and mindfulness education programs for the adolescent and teenage population in public and private schools and other facilities that serve youth. Co-Founders, Phyllis Smith and Tida Chamber’s mission is to help give these kids the tools to help ease their transition into young adulthood through mindfulness.

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Teen Adam Avin created the nonprofit Wuf Shanti Children's Wellness Foundation to teach mindfulness and social emotional learning, so children can live in health and wellness & peace and positivity. Wuf Shanti has two tracks, one for early learning 3-10 years old, with fun, games, videos, books, a mobile app, and a dog mascot character that visits schools and hospitals, and one for tweens and teens 11-17 years-old. Adam is certified in Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction for Teens, Kidding Around Yoga, and the Emotion Code. He gave a TEDxTalk about getting mindful and social emotional learning programs into our education system, why mental health education is so important to stopping the violence, and using our voice to make a positive difference in the world. 




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SELLA: Social Emotional Learning Language Arts


The MCESC’s SEL team has developed a supplemental Language Arts writing curriculum for grades K-6 to integrate SEL into the daily academic instruction. We know how busy teachers are. This curriculum allows you to meet all of your writing standards and SEL competencies at the same time. 

  • All SEL competencies are interwoven into a standards-based supplemental ELA writing program with an all-encompassing project based learning (PBL) foundation.

  • Social Emotional Competencies align with CASEL.

  • Meets 100% of the Common Core writing standards as well as many other ELA standards including non-fiction.

  • Each 2nd-6th grade module includes 20 days of instruction consisting of 50 minute lessons (150 days of instruction). K and 1st includes 10 days of instruction.

  • This curriculum is fully integrated so teachers meet both Writing/ELA and SEL standards at once!

What if kindness and compassion were taught in schools just like math and reading? What if kids were taught how to pay attention not only to lessons, but also to their own emotions? What if we all took steps to improve well-being in our lives and communities?  At the Center for Healthy Minds, they ask these questions through the lens of the latest science and research. They've made their mindfulness-based Kindness Curriculum, a set of practices used in one of their studies in preschool classrooms, freely available.


Foundry empowers young people to lead healthy lives by providing easy access to the tools, resources and skills they to form a plan for wellness…and work towards their goals for mental, emotional, physical and social well-being. has information, tools and resources on topics including: mental health, substance use, healthy living and other tough topics and can help young people find the support they need when they need it.


Master Mind is a mindfulness education program developed for late elementary school students. The Master Mind Program helps build the coping strategies and decision-making skills of elementary school students to prevent substance abuse. This program is easy to implement and can be completed within five weeks through daily instruction in the classroom. Master Mind was created by innovation Research & Training (iRT). iRT is a behavioral sciences research company committed to identifying and solving significant real-world problems facing children, families, communities, and organizations. For more information, please contact


Moment is a mindfulness education program developed for middle school students. Moment helps students develop healthy coping strategies for dealing with academic and social stress in middle school. This program is easy to implement and can be completed within four weeks through daily instruction in the classroom. Moment was created by innovation Research & Training (iRT). iRT is a behavioral sciences research company committed to identifying and solving significant real-world problems facing children, families, communities, and organizations. For more information, please contact


Aware for High School Program is a mindfulness education program developed for high school students. Aware helps high school students learn new ways to manage their thoughts and feelings and effectively cope with stress in their daily lives. The program is easy to implement and can be completed within five weeks through daily instruction in the classroom. Aware for Teens with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is an online mindfulness education program. The program is designed to help enhance teens’ abilities to be aware of and manage their feelings and thoughts, cope with stress, make healthy decisions, and avoid risky behaviors, such as using alcohol or other drugs. This online program can be easily completed by teens at their own pace and at any location and time. The content and functionality of the program were developed with a focus on the neurodevelopmental abilities of teens with FASD. Both programs were created by innovation Research & Training (iRT). iRT is a behavioral sciences research company committed to identifying and solving significant real-world problems facing children, families, communities, and organizations. For more information, please contact

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Pathways to Empower teaches people how to make mindfully healthy decisions that build resilience, develop leadership skills, and foster mental wellness. Our self-paced professional development programs for k12 educators include short, engaging videos followed by reflections and activities that focus on your wellness as an educator first and then provide age-specific tools, strategies, and activities for a wellness-informed classroom. We even include an age-specific, in-class video & activity series free with your PD purchase.

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Infinite Focus Schools is the socio-emotional and mindfulness app for the kids you love. We've merged socio-emotional learning, mindfulness and mobile tech in a whole new way. Our innovative software teaches kids about their cognitive functions and gives them the tools they'll need to cut out toxic stress. What happens to the brain and body when they feel anger or sadness? We teach that. What tools can they use to relax when they feel stress? We teach that. How to deal with rejection and conflict? We teach that too, and a lot more. It's mindfulness made easy. Just press play.

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Pono Life Schools is a mindfulness resource created by teachers for teachers and students to bring deeper mindfulness practices and lessons into the classroom. Sign up for our free daily inspirations by email and check out our WISE Program which consists of 20 lesson plans on mindfulness including guided audios and pdfs to share with your classroom. We offer a free mindfulness module on Compassion as well. 

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Kira Willey is an award-winning children’s music artist, kids’ yoga & mindfulness expert, speaker, and creator of Rockin’ Yoga school programs. Kira’s four releases of yoga albums for kids have all won numerous industry awards and earned national acclaim. Kira’s TEDx talk, “Bite-Sized Mindfulness,” can be viewed online, and her children’s mindfulness book, “Breathe Like a Bear,” has been translated into eight foreign languages so far. She now has even more books. Kira leads Professional Development days for teachers, conducts music and yoga workshops, speaks at education conferences, and performs Rockin’ Yoga School Assemblies and Concerts with her band nationwide.

Trainings and Professional Development
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The Integral SELf-Mastery™ program was designed by Tovi Scruggs-Hussein to personally and professionally develop the social emotional learning of adults in service of youth.  We teach the foundation of emotional intelligence in order to help educational leaders and teachers thrive and build the core skills needed for peak performance, especially as it relates to equity work, culturally-responsive teaching, and creating trauma-sensitive environments. The key to leadership success is self-awareness and personal development, not what we traditionally find being offered by our educational system. We design and facilitate transformative, interactive workshops that uniquely combine healing modalities of inside-out work, emotional intelligence, mindfulness, compassionate equity, and leadership principles to result in “Integral SELf-Mastery” – the personalized combination of focused leadership and lifestyle SEL strategies that result in the transformation of mindsets and ways-of-being to positively impact our work with the children we serve.


Athea Davis is a mindfulness educator, speaker, and writer dedicated to guiding others to re-discover their inner spark. She holds a Master’s Degree in Educational Policy and Leadership, is a Texas Certified Educator, an Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher and a Children’s Registered Yoga Teacher. She’s the author of Today’s Gonna Be Awesomesauce: Daily Meditations for Youth, Parents & Families, and the creator of the powerfully positive mindfulness resource, Today’s Gonna Be Awesomesauce: Affirmation + Art Card Deck for Youth, Parents, and Educators. Athea owns Sol Sense Yoga, a mindfully-infused education and leadership company, where she leads live mindfulness trainings + digital courses for leaders, educators, and parents. She is the host of the rising education podcast, Mindful Living with Athea Davis. 

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MindWell Education supports school communities in developing wellbeing through mindfulness and social and emotional learning. We use the 3 Aspects of Mindfulness in Education - Be Mindful, Teach Mindfully, Teach Mindfulness - as a foundation for flourishing schools with a focus on teacher self-care and stress management. 

Kripalu's RISE program is leading the way by impacting individual and organizational performance through yoga and mindfulness-based practices. Anchored in the science and practice of mindfulness and positive psychology, the RISE program is specifically designed to support greater clarity and resilience, improved situational awareness, better decision making, work/life integration, and superior long-term performance for individuals and organizations. For the past ten years, RISE has delivered this life-changing program to frontline providers and leadership in some of the most critical social institutions in North America: human services organizations, K–12 schools, correctional facilities, law enforcement, and healthcare.

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In this live, online e-course, we will deep-dive into the inner work of racial healing. We will investigate how racism operates in us and through us, explore the systemic nature of racial oppression, and develop racial literacy for more effective engagement on this difficult topic. We will incorporate readings from leading racial justice advocates.  Throughout this intellectually and emotionally rigorous course, mindfulness, meditation, and a variety of other healing exercises will sustain us throughout our work. Participants will engage in deep conceptual learning, interactive exercises, personal reflection, and dedicated small group exploration. Join us to become an empowered racial healing ally in your school, organization, community, and beyond.

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NeuroHealth Partners (NHP) is an organization dedicated to educating educators about the neuroscience of brain-behavior relationships in children and adolescents. Next to parents, educators have the greatest potential to shape the emotional, cognitive and social lives of children and adolescents.  NHP, with its team of psychologists, educators and scientists, uses evidence-based strategies to teach educators about what practical tools they can use in their classrooms to promote healthy emotional and cognitive development for all students. Additionally, with expertise in traumatic stress, NHP has years of experience training other professionals how to best care for traumatized students in ways that are both practical and meaningful.  

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With Pause® boosts your ability to develop richer connections, manage stress, collaborate effectively and renew your mental clarity. We offer leadership development, workshops and coaching to organizationsschoolsparents – and even private or group coaching to individuals and entrepreneurs – seeking clarity, calm and a more meaningful life. Our approach cultivates mindfulness balanced with compassion. Pause for a moment and explore what we can do for you.

CARE stands for Cultivating Awareness and Resilience in Education.  It is a unique professional development program that helps teachers handle their stress and rediscover the joys of teaching. The goal of CARE is to meet the specific needs of K-12 teachers. CARE offers teachers and administrators tools and resources for reducing stress, preventing burnout, enlivening teaching and helping students thrive socially, emotionally and academically. They offer a four-day retreat at the Garrison Institute, a series of weekend sessions or a three-day model with follow-up. 

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Breathe For Change is a movement enhancing the health and well-being of educators, students, and entire communities.

We offer the world’s only 200-hour Digital Wellness, SEL and Yoga Teacher training designed for educators and community leaders inspired to use wellness as a vehicle for healing and social change. Since 2015, we’ve certified 5,000+ educators, and impacted over 500,000 students.

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Teaching can often be a stressful profession, especially as teachers are responsible for their students' learning and well-being, put in a great deal of work outside of the classroom, and must deal with challenging school politics, and because of those stressors, it is not uncommon for teachers to experience burnout. Our goal at is to empower the teachers of tomorrow and make it easier to enter the profession by providing clear and helpful information, and the team recently developed a comprehensive Resource Guide for Teacher Depression, Anxiety & Other Mental Health Issues that presents important information about:

  • Why maintaining good mental health is important

  • Tips for practicing mindfulness, developing a routine, and staying physically healthy

  • Outside-of-the-classroom advice for pursuing interests and finding joy

  • Ways to achieve wellness and find help, if needed

  • Noticing the signs of burnout

  • The consequences of burnout

  • Self-care tips for teachers

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Take creative approaches to embed mindfulness and social-emotional learning (SEL) into the H.E.A.R.T. of your classroom and school--starting with you. Every learning community is unique, so each coaching experience is tailored to meet the needs of your staff, students, and families. Lindsey Frank, founder and Education Well-Being Coach, empowers teachers and leaders to integrate wellness into their lives and the lives of their students; create safe learning environments that are resilient, engaged, equitable, and connected; and honor the lasting transformation within their learning community.  Lindsey Frank, M.Ed. is a children's book author. She is a certified trauma-informed yoga, meditation, and mindfulness teacher for adults and children (RYT 200, RCYT) and is pursuing her Accredited Certificate in Integrative Coaching. Lindsey’s teaching experience includes: Districtwide Climate & SEL Coach, Learning Behavior Specialist, K-8 Interventionist, and teacher. Her Master’s degree is in Educational Leadership and Supervision.

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The Greater Good Science Center is at the fore of a new scientific movement to explore the roots of happy and compassionate individuals, strong social bonds, and altruistic behavior—the science of a meaningful life. The Greater Good Education Program uses a variety of methods to help education professionals understand the science behind social-emotional learning, mindfulness, ethical development, mindsets, purpose, and related topics—then apply those insights to their schools, classrooms, and other educational settings.


Center for Adolescent Studies offers a free onlline course worth 2 CEs called Teaching Mindfulness To Teens for those interested in learning mindfulness-based techniques in an innovative way youth will be receptive to. You can login and complete the lessons ANYTIME you want and will have lifetime access. Other courses are offered including Trauma-Informed Care for Professionals Working With Youth,  a 4-week online course that will help you learn how to identify trauma, understand how it impacts the brain and learning, and how to work with trauma-impacted youth.

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Dr. Igor is a well-being diplomat who helps people develop resilience to stress. His tool of choice is rhythmical breath control.

Through teaching simple and powerful yogic processes, the mind is renewed by BREATH & focused by MUSIC. His programs are:
- A modern FIRST AID KIT for STRESS.

- A tool that fosters MEANINGFUL RELATIONSHIPS at work, at home and within oneself.

His programs draw on his expertise in the fields of yogic meditation, Indian & Western classical music, psycho-acoustics, Salsa dancing, hammock lounging & stargazing.



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With more teachers speaking out about burnout, feeling overwhelmed, and lacking support at work, we created a guide to help teachers recognize the signs of burnout and provide them with the tools to focus on their mental and physical well-being. created Strategies for Practicing Wellness & Avoiding Burnout as a Teacher to provide comprehensive information to future educators on the answers they need the most, such as:

  • Noticing the signs of burnout

  • The consequences of burnout

  • Self-care tips for teachers

Books Educator
Books for Educators

Happy Teachers Change the World is the first official, authoritative manual of the Thich Nhat Hanh/Plum Village approach to mindfulness in education. Spanning the whole range of schools and grade levels, from preschool through higher education, these techniques are grounded in the everyday world of schools, colleges, and universities.

The book includes easy-to-follow, step-by-step techniques perfected by educators to teach themselves and to apply to their work with students and colleagues, along with inspirational stories of the ways in which teachers have made mindfulness practice alive and relevant for themselves and their students across the school and out into the community.


Meditation can be a potent practice for creating focus and facilitating learning in the classroom. This is true for kindergarteners, grad students, and everyone in between. Longtime schoolteacher William Meyer has taught a variety of meditation techniques to students, fellow teachers, and parents with remarkable results. In Three Breaths and Begin: A Guide to Meditation in the Classroom, Meyer details how teachers can incorporate mindfulness into their curricula every day. He covers every aspect of teaching meditation, from creating a dedicated space in the classroom to meditating on field trips, during sports, and even in the midst of tragedy. Offering numerous ready-to-use scripted meditations, this insightful, practical, and loving guide will benefit anyone interested in the well-being of students — and, most of all, the students themselves.


Written especially for the teacher or camp director who wants to bring mindfulness, social and emotional learning (SEL), and the arts into their busy day through storytelling and fun games, this book offers a complete course that helps kids identify and talk about their feelings, self-regulate and self-soothe when stressed, and learn from easy mindfulness practices.


How can we minimize the potential dangers of mindfulness for survivors while leveraging its powerful benefits?

Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness offers answers to this question. Part I provides an insightful and concise review of the histories of mindfulness and trauma, including the way modern neuroscience is shaping our understanding of both. Through grounded scholarship and wide-ranging case examples, Treleaven illustrates the ways mindfulness can help―or hinder―trauma recovery.

Part II distills these insights into five key principles for trauma-sensitive mindfulness. Covering the role of attention, arousal, relationship, dissociation, and social context within trauma-informed practice, Treleaven offers 36 specific modifications designed to support survivors’ safety and stability. The result is a groundbreaking and practical approach that empowers those looking to practice mindfulness in a safe, transformative way.

Educational consultant Carla Tantillo Philibert has four new books each geared to a different age group. You'll gain practical strategies for teaching social-emotional learning (SEL), mindfulness, and movement to help your students maintain positive relationships, assume responsibility, become bodily aware, and grow into productive, contributing citizens. You’ll find out how to lead students through games, simple yoga poses, breathing techniques, and other activities that are easy to incorporate and help you manage your classroom. The books also offer a Professional Development Facilitator’s Guide to help you and your colleagues master the core concepts of SEL and implement them effectively in the classroom. 

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Due to our fast-paced society, the impact of social media, and the threat of climate change,
today's children are facing challenges unique to their generation. Incorporating mindfulness as part of their curriculum--whether in a classroom or a home school setting--teaches invaluable life
skills that children can apply to all aspects of learning, and later, through all stages of life.

Psychologist Amoneeta Beckstein and mindfulness educator and practitioner Jana York have
pooled their knowledge and experience and teamed up to compile an eight-week curriculum with empirically-based exercises for integrating mindfulness in classrooms, as well as discussion
questions for enhancing critical thinking skills.

The authors use vowels as a mnemonic device, with each vowel
representing a lesson that helps students develop present-moment awareness: Attention, Experience, Investigate, Observe, and Understand. Forty engaging activities and games help
children put into practice the concepts they learned. Teaching Mindfulness provides the essential
core principles of mindfulness education and enriches both the teaching and learning experience.

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Teaching students how to focus and self-regulate at a young age can provide them with skills that will help throughout their schooling and adult lives. Like anyone, they need easy-to-remember tools and strategies to calm their minds and focus on the moment. This interactive, research-based curriculum helps preK and elementary teachers integrate simple, ready-to-use stretching, breathing, and reflective exercises as well as other mindfulness practices into their daily classroom routines.


Chronic stress and trauma can have devastating effects on children’s development, making it very difficult for them to function well at school. In this book Dr. Patricia (Tish) Jennings, the author of Mindfulness for Teachers, shares classroom-tested, compassionate teaching practices that support students’ healing, build their resilience, and create safe places for them to learn.

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In Teach, Breathe, Learn, Meena Srinivasan highlights how mindfulness can be an effective tool in the classroom.  Part 1 helps teachers develop compassion and shift from "reacting" to "responding" to demands. Part 2 offers techniques for cultivating loving-kindness, gratitude and seeing students, colleagues, and parents as oneself. The last section of the book introduces a curriculum teachers can use to incorporate mindfulness into their classroom, replete with lesson plans, handouts, and homework assignments.


In Mindfulness and Its Discontents, David Forbes provides an integral framework for a critical, social, moral mindfulness that both challenges unmindful practices and ideas and provides a way forward. He analyzes how education curricula across North America employ mindfulness: to help students learn to succeed in a neoliberal society by enhancing the ego through emphasizing individualistic skills and the self-regulation of anger and stress. Forbes argues that mindfulness educators instead should uncover and resist the sources of stress and distress that stem from an inequitable, racist, individualistic, market-based (neoliberal) society and shows how school mindfulness programs can help bring about one that is more transformative, compassionate and just.

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With a forward by Kristin Neff, PhD, this book is a manifesto—a call to action—that puts educator well-being at the forefront of healthy school culture. It serves to awaken the well-being of educators by helping them understand the “why,” “how,” and “what” of sustainable wellness. Author Lisa Baylis' shares essential techniques that have helped her remain resilient—practices grounded in mindfulness and self-compassion. Prioritizing educator well-being has to start now, and we need to get loud about it. We need to permit ourselves to care for ourselves as a priority so we can be present and resilient enough to care for others.


Onward tackles the problem of educator stress, and provides a practical framework for taking the burnout out of teaching. Stress is part of the job, but when 70 percent of teachers quit within their first five years because the stress is making them physically and mentally ill, things have gone too far. Unsurprisingly, these effects are highest in difficult-to-fill positions such as math, science, and foreign languages, and in urban areas and secondary classrooms―places where we need our teachers to be especially motivated and engaged. This book offers a path to resiliency to help teachers weather the storms and bounce back―and work toward banishing the rain for good.

This actionable framework gives you concrete steps toward rediscovering yourself, your energy, and your passion for teaching. You’ll learn how a simple shift in mindset can affect your outlook, and how taking care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally is one of the most important things you can do. The companion workbook helps you put the framework into action, streamlining your way toward renewal and strength.

Chronic stress and trauma can have devastating effects on children’s development, making it very difficult for them to function well at school. In this book Dr. Patricia (Tish) Jennings, the author of Mindfulness for Teachers, shares classroom-tested, compassionate teaching practices that support students’ healing, build their resilience, and create safe places for them to learn.

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Reconstructing Education Through Mindful Attention is a journey into your own mind and into understanding education. For those of you who are interested in getting deeper into how mindfulness and other contemplative practices are associated with education, teaching and learning, this book will offer a great resource spanning philosophy, psychology and neuroscience. Other works by Oren Ergas including a variety of published papers on mindfulness and yoga in education from diverse perspectives can be found here:

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A Daily Dose of Mindful Moments is about weaving mindfulness into daily life. It blends the science of mindfulness and happiness to offer brief, research-based mindful practices drawn from decades of research in mindfulness, positive psychology, and neuroscience. These mindful moment practices can be easily tailored to classrooms to enhance mindfulness, reduce stress, sustain a positive outlook, and cultivate character strengths such as kindness, gratitude, and compassion. Dr. Barbara Larrivee’s previous books include Cultivating Teacher Renewal: Guarding Against Stress and Burnout, Authentic Classroom Management, and An Educator’s Guide to Teacher Reflection. Donating the profits from this book, Barbara has established Mindful Moments in My Classroom to sponsor grants to educators to implement mindful moment practices.

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The Mindful Teacher’s Toolkit gives you clear directions and ideas for how to integrate mindful awareness and social and emotional learning into your teaching. It contains detailed guidance on how to work with different age groups and looks at whole-school approaches through specific subject areas and implementation strategies.

Designed so that you can dip into each chapter, all of the activities are adaptable so you can apply and personalize them to your teaching. The combination of expert advice, teaching tips, reflections, activities and real-life examples provides you with everything you need to be able to develop your own mindful classroom and contribute to improving wellbeing in your school community.

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New Harbinger Publications has be a sponsor for our conference each year and is an independent, employee-owned publisher of books on psychology, health, spirituality, and personal growth. Our evidence-based self-help books and pioneering workbooks help readers make positive changes to improve mental health and well-being. Our professional books serve as powerful resources for mental health clinicians to build their practice and better serve clients. And our spirituality books offer timeless wisdom for living consciously in the modern world. We offer books that have the power to change lives.

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With 40 chapters written by passionate educators representing all grades and roles in schools, our collaborative book utilizes inspiring storytelling to document the emergence of mindfulness in US education while also creating a comprehensive resource and field guide for school communities. 

Read the book's reviews, table of contents, and introduction here.

Contact for bulk orders of 10 or more. Proceeds from our book support our educator grant program, state chapter activities and operating expenses. 


The Way of Mindful Education is a practical guide for cultivating attention, compassion, and well-being not only in these students, but also in teachers themselves. Packed with lesson plans, exercises, and considerations for specific age groups and students with special needs, this working manual demonstrates the real world application of mindfulness practices in K-12 classrooms. Author Daniel Rechtschaffen founded the Mindful Education Institute and the Omega Mindfulness in Education conference, has developed a variety of curricula for mindfulness in the classroom, and leads mindfulness trainings for schools and communities around the world.

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Kevin Hawkins truly understands the joys of teaching and the desire to make a real difference in the lives of students, as well as the challenges and risks of burnout that most teachers experience on a daily basis. With this guide to mindful practice, educators can learn how to use mindfulness in their own professional and personal lives as well as how to incorporate it in their teaching to support student wellbeing. Packed full of DIY exercises, activities to use in the classroom and links to resources and further reading, this inspiring book will support experienced and new teachers to maintain a healthy work-life balance and thrive as a teaching professional.

51tEViqNemL._AC_US218_.jpg is an introduction for youth into mindfulness practice, from Dr. Dzung Vo, adolescent medicine pediatrician and author of The Mindful Teen: Powerful Skills to Help You Handle Stress One Moment at a Time. The videos, guided mindfulness meditations, blog, articles, and collection of resources is for teens who are wondering, “What is mindfulness, and why should I care?”

Books youth
Books for Youth
These are just a few of our favorites written by members, past presenters, or authors who have requested a listing.
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In Alphabreaths, children will learn their ABCs and the basics of mindfulness through playful breathing exercises. Breaths like Mountain Breath and Redwood Breath will connect them with nature, while breaths like Heart Breath and Wish Breath will help them remember to fill their heart with gratitude and send good wishes to others.


Simple, playful, and with delightful illustrations, Alphabreaths is the perfect introduction to mindfulness and breath awareness.


​Alphabreaths Too offers a meaningful introduction to mindfulness for children, all while keeping them delighted with imaginative inspiration and hours of fun. It’s as easy as A-B-C!


All day long, you breathe — in and out, in and out — without even thinking about it. But did you know that you can play with your breath, use it to take you on an adventure? All you have to do is find a comfy spot and close your eyes.
Does your breath sound like ocean waves? Like the wind before a storm or a breeze at the start of spring? Can you feel it all the way down to the tips of your toes? By the time you open your eyes, you might just feel a little lighter, calmer, more relaxed.
In Big Breath, William Meyer’s gentle prompts, alongside Brittany R. Jacobs’s wonderful illustrations, make meditation as fun as a game, but with big results.

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The demands and pressures of everyday life can really stress you out! School, work, relationships, social media, and the like can leave you pulled in so many directions it can make your head spin. When you need help fast, these simple, accessible, mindfulness-based practices will help bring you relief and ease right away. If you make these mindfulness and self-care practices part of your routine, you’ll discover little life hacks to get through even the toughest days. "This book brings mindfulness down to earth with many wonderfully simple ways to savor life and come home to yourself. It's also rich with methods for self-compassion and self-care. Gina Biegel writes with remarkable clarity, simplicity, and heart. A truly beautiful, thorough, helpful book." —Rick Hanson, PhD, author of Hardwiring Happiness: The New Brain Science of Contentment, Calm, and Confidence


Kids Yoga Stories award-winning books and engaging yoga cards were created to foster happy, healthy, and globally educated children while encouraging fun and movement. Giselle Shardlow, author and founder of Kids Yoga Stories, draws from her vast experiences as a teacher, traveler, yogi, and mom to write the yoga stories. Discover how our yoga stories combine easy yoga poses for kids with reading adventures that will help growing bodies and minds. Find yoga books and yoga cards on the Kids Yoga Stories Shop or on Amazon

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Breathe Like a Bear is a beautifully illustrated collection of mindfulness exercises designed to teach kids techniques for managing their bodies, breath, and emotions. Best of all, these 30 simple, short breathing practices and movements can be performed anytime, anywhere: in the car to the grocery store, during heavy homework nights at home, or even at a child’s desk at school.

Based on Kira Willey’s Parents’ Choice GOLD Award-winning CD, Mindful Moments for Kids, this one-of-a-kind book is sure to help kids find calm, gain focus, and feel energized during the day, and encourage families to establish a fun and consistent mindfulness practice, whether at home or on the go.


Children, like adults, can get down on themselves when they experience things that make them
sad, worried, angry, or jealous. Those feelings can be hard.
It's OK is a sweet book that offers children a gentle, yet powerful way to handle these difficult
moments, by bringing self-compassion into their lives.
Children are invited to practice along, offering care and kindness to themselves as they read the
book. The repeated phrases support children in remembering that self-compassion is always
possible, simply because they matter.
The examples of difficult emotions in It’s OK, make the practice relatable and useful in their
lives. The book captures the essence of these helpful practices in a child-friendly way and offers
additional information and practice ideas at the back of the book.

Written by Laurie Grossman, cofounder of Mindful Schools and director of program development at Inner Explorer, and Mr. Musumeci’s fifth grade class at Reach Academy in Oakland, California, Master of Mindfulness

presents helpful practices—mindful activities proven to make it easier to pay attention, accept yourself and others, manage your anger, and even get to sleep at night. Also check out Breath Friends Forever!

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Change is happening all around us, all the time. Change can be hard, yet so beautiful! Readers learn tools to support them through changes that life may bring. The charming, wise change expert, the butterfly, engages the reader to become their best self during the change process. Helpful strategies and talking points for families and educators are included. Also available in Spanish: Gran cambio, mejor corazón, mundo hermoso. For more connected activities, mindfulness tools, and social-emotional learning skills visit: www.TheButterflyWithin.Me


With The Breathing Book, young readers discover the power of mindful awareness through a series of breathing practices and engaging activities designed to calm the mind and body, set positive intentions, and spark creativity and imagination.

A book that’s much more than just a book, this interactive offering from Christopher Willard and Olivia Weisser invites readers to bring their full attention to the sights, sounds, and tactile sensations that arise as they explore the practices on each page with awareness. 


More than ever, teens are feeling the stress of academic pressure; high expectations from family, friends, and social media; and an increasingly uncertain future. This workbook will show you how mindful breathing exercises and self-care strategies can help you curb stress and difficult emotions, so you can be your best and reach your goals. In The Mindful Breathing Workbook for Teens, you’ll learn breathing skills rooted in mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), so you can stay grounded, find calm, and shift out of bad moods quickly. By developing your own internal strategies for managing stress, you will feel more empowered and in control—even when faced with difficult situations beyond your control. It’s kind of like having your own stress-busting superpower!


Meet Emma Lou the Yorkie Poo, a little dog with big worries.   She loves playing with her best friend, Pearl, but Pearl doesn’t always pay attention to Emma Lou’s worries.  With the help of some new friends, Caleb the Calico Cat, Patrick the Pig and Gigi the Ginormous Giraffe, Emma Lou and Pearl begin to learn a new technique to calm their minds and bodies.  Parents, educators, counselors and especially children can benefit from Emma Lou and her friends' curious adventure to a mindful experience.

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Claire is an amiable and spunky second grader with a colorful imagination and short attention
span. Ms. Sage, her wise teacher is passionate about capturing her students’ awareness one breath at a time. Over the next 8 weeks, she will introduce concepts to her students in hopes to plant seeds for growing mindfully. By exploring their inner and outer experiences, scavenger hunts, and a gigantic jar of jellybeans, readers are engaged as the students’ time in the classroom overflows into daily challenges of life. Through captivating and promising life-like encounters from bullies to four-legged companions, there are interesting lessons that are fictitious yet believable and many of which happened in a similar way. A diverse method of teaching social-emotional learning. Designed for teachers and parents to read to their children and discuss the content while engaging in the activities. Bonus: Over 30 engaging and fun activities.

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Educator and theater director Andrew Nance is the author of the popular children’s book Puppy Mind, which brought a new dimension of cuteness to the practice of mindfulness in the form of a rambunctious, playful puppy. Learn more about Andrew's books and card decks at Mindful Arts San Francisco.

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The new edition of The Stress Reduction Workbook for Teens offers go-to tips and activities to help teens relax, prioritize, and keep calm during stressful times. They’ll find out how mindfulness—being aware of their thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations in the moment—can help them stop their inner worry bully. They’ll also learn how to balance their emotions and stay cool in difficult situations. And once they discover how to keep calm and collected when life gets crazy, they’ll gain a new sense of confidence and independence.

Student athletes feel an intense pressure to perform well—both on and off the field. Unfortunately, this pressure can add up to lots of stress and anxiety—two emotions that get in the way of being your best. The good news is that mindfulness can help you stay present, focused, and calm so you can achieve peak performance. In Mindfulness for Student Athletes, you’ll find practical and tactical ways to cope with stress and anxiety in the moment, prevent stress in the future, and experience more satisfaction and enjoyment while playing sports. You’ll also find proven-effective tools to naturally enhance your performance. Co-author TODD H. CORBIN, CPC, is an avid runner, sports enthusiast, mindfulness teacher, motivational speaker, and certified parenting coach.

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Powerful for children between 2nd-5th grade who are developing strategies to reduce anxiety and increase responsible decision-making, especially recommended for reading together with a supportive adult using the Teacher's Guide.

The Superpower of Your HEART is inspired by an emotional regulation and wellness tool called HEART. The acronym, HEART, stands for Health, Environment, Affirmation, Response, Transform. It combines mindfulness with social and emotional learning (MBSEL) so that you can remain aware and regulated within any situation, anytime, anywhere.


After the Superhero Training, reading experience, and practice:


  1. You develop powerful structures in your classroom, social skills group, or home that support the social and emotional well-being of your superheroes and yourself.

  2. HEART can become a well-established framework to help support responsible decision-making.

  3. You may notice a reduction in unexpected behavior and an increase in emotional regulation


Great for Teachers, Specialists, and Caregivers!


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This playful and engaging story helps children work with difficult emotions by imagining them
as playful monsters passing by in a parade.
Watch as the anger monster passes, and the sadness monster disappears--it’s all part of
the parade of feelings we experience daily. Instead of holding on to emotions, children can
acknowledge them and let them go on their way.  
A great book to open up conversations about emotions with lots of practical skills for working
with them embedded into the story and other ideas for practice at the back of the book.
What’s happening in your parade?

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